Ringo Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids 8/8/03

(8/9/03) From Mark Fricke:

I just got back from the Grand Rapids show and thought I'd drop a note on the proceedings.

There were about 3,500 people there with the stage set up for a 2/3 house. There were no people sitting in the upper sections. Anyone who bought a "cheap seat" was moved down into the lower area.

My tickets were awesome. Third row just left of center. The show started pretty much on time with no opening act as usual.

I'll get to the set list in a bit, but would rather cover the highlights. The best moment was right after You're Sixteen. Ringo spotted two teenage girls who had dressed up in Sgt. Pepper coats. He brought them up on stage to show them off. They were scared to death standing up there. They had some flowers for Ringo, which he graciously accepted.

Sheila E. and Ringo were their usual banterry selves. They obviously have fun back there. Paul Carrack was in excellent voice as was John Waite. Once again Colin Hay seemed uncomfortable up there. He seemed to struggle with the guitar, with several moments of feedback resulting. He fumbled somewhat with his foot controls and his singing was tenative at best. I guess after having guitarists like Joe Walsh and Peter Frampton in previous shows Hay has a lot to catch up to.

Sheila E. is simply an amazing drummer. It was a blast just watching her.

For those who care about such things, Ringo wore his black "star" t-shirt with a orange and white unbuttoned shirt over it.

The audience at the front of the stage NEVER sat. Not once. My feet are killing me, but it was worth it. I took my thirteen year old son, so now he has seen both Paul and Ringo. I wasn't going to let him miss any more chances. My son even got a Mark Rivera guitar pick after the show. Twice during the performance Sheila E. gave her drumsticks to young girls near the stage.

The set list was fairly typical. It's just so nice to see a concert where not everything is scripted. Many shows it seems even the between song banter is scripted. These performers seem to genuinely enjoy being up there and it shows.

The songs:
It don't come easy
Honey Don't
Memphis In Your Mind
How Long
Down Under
Isn't It Time
Love Bazarre
Act Naturally
You're Sixteen
Yellow Submarine
Here Comes the Sun
Never Without You
Don't Pass Me By
No No Song
When I See You Smile
Glamorous Life
Wanna Be Your Man
Living Years
Missing You
Who Can It Be Now
Don't Go Where The Road Don't Go
With A Little Help From My Friends
That's it from Grand Rapids Mark Fricke

And from Paul and Stephanie Nyman:

Here's my review of seeing Ringo tonight.

As we entered the outside entrance the security detail said no cameras could be brought in tonight. Many people had to go back to the garage and put their cameras in the car. So no pictures!

I was surprised to see the arena divided up with a large red velvet curtain halfway down the floor. Maybe tickets sales weren't picking up for the Grand Rapids stop? The crowd was cheering the band all night. The show was great!


Later on when Ringo was about to perform Don't Pass Me Buy he was telling the crowd about it being the first song he really wrote on his own, then he walked over to Paul Carrack side of the stage to the keyboard rack and started to bang out the song on the piano, stopped abruptly and said "that's enough of that!" as it would appear to be a silly joke to the crowd and yet he started over again and played about 1/3 of the song before leaving the keyboards and resumed singing while Paul Carrack stepped back into position to continue playing where Ringo had left off! It appeared to be something he suddenly decided to do at this nights performance.

After Yellow Submarine, Ringo noticed two young girls to the left of the stage. He walked up closer to the stage edge and then motioned to security to ask them to come up on stage for a minute. He then brought them out to display these beautiful Sgt Pepper's outfits one the Mom's had sewn together. Mark Rivera joked to Ringo he should have worn his Sgt Pepper outfit on the road too! Ringo bounced back with, "My old one doesn't fit anymore!"

Just before the band finished off with A Little Help From My Friends, Ringo mentioned how tired it gets by the end of the shows "So all the grownups stand up, yell out, stomp your feet!" Which just exploded with whistles and cheering beyond all belief.

I can't wait to see the DVD come out from this tour at some point it was a great night here in Grand Rapids.

The set list is below about the best order I can remember at the moment:

It Don't Come Easy
Honey Don't
Memphis In Your Mind
How Long
Down Under
Every time I Think Of You
Love Bizarre
Act Naturally
You're Sixteen
Here Comes The Sun
Never Without You
Don't Pass Me By
No No Song
When I See You Smile
Glamorous Life
I Wanna Be Your Man
The Living Years
Missing You
Who Can It Be Now
Yellow Submarine
Don't Go Where The Road Don't Go
With A Little Help From My Friends 

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