Laryngitis forces Paul to cancel second Sheffield show

(4/7/03) Paul McCartney cancelled his second show scheduled for Sunday night at Sheffield because he lost his voice due to a bad cold,
reports AP, Ananova and the BBC. "I've caught a cold which made my voice start to go after last night's show ... I woke up this morning with virtually no voice. I've been doing all that I can to try and get my voice back and I tried singing a couple of numbers at a sound check this afternoon - but nothing has worked and so I am afraid I have to cancel this show in order to save the other gigs on the tour. I cancelled tonight in order to save the other gigs on the tour. I'm sorry to all the people who all bought tickets for the show, at least we got to do one gig in Sheffield."

Paul was photographed holding a sign that said, "Sorry!," as an apology for the cancelled gig.

Adrian Porter sent us this note:

Just to let you know that Paul's gig in Sheffield tonight (Sunday) has been cancelled due to Paul having a cold and his voice 'going'. Unfortunately it wasn't announced until about 2 hours before the show. I had just got to the arena when a policeman told me and showed me the Press release. From all accounts, Paul was very upset at not being able to do the gig. He tried a soundcheck, but there was no way. What a disappointment. What's more there's is now obviously speculation that he's not going to be able to do the Manchester gig on Wednesday, which I also have tickets for! The press release does say that he hopes to reschedule the (Sheffield) gig.

What a bad night. Here's hoping Paul makes a quick recovery.

Also from Paul Swift:


Just to let you know I went to the Sheffield Concert the first date in the UK. I will send you a review as I get the time, but Paul's voice though good, was obviously going. This has just been confirmed by the cancelling of the 2nd date at Sheffield due to Paul losing his voice and having a cold. Can't think of any other cancellations ever.

The next scheduled show is Wednesday at MEN Arena in Manchester. (Thanks to pete, Adrian Porter, PF5000.)

This news item copyright Abbeyrd's Beatles Page
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